When I try a product or service I think is something really special, I like to share it with others. This way I’m able to promote the success of what I like, and maybe help other people discover something that they’re missing out on in the process.  The same applies for incredible people that I meet in my life.

These are the products that I love and use everyday,  and the people who are worth getting to know.



Products and Services


limu_bottle Limu Plus www.TasteTheLimu.com

I’ve always loved to sing, and during college I collaborated with several independant musicians.  Studio  recording, live shows, jam sessions — I loved it all.

I remember being the 5th band on stage one night, and everyone had used the same microphone. Of course, I got sick — and after a while it really started to escalate. After a few months of being constantly sick and run-down, I finally visited the doctor and was diagnosed with Mono. Not Fun.

I wasn’t thrilled about the steroids they prescribed for me, and gladly jumped on the opportunity to try a more natural product that my Mom recommended.

Within 2 weeks of taking the Limu Plus I felt better than I had in months! I woke up feeling rested and fell asleep better at night. My fevers went away and I had tons of energy! I still take Limu Plus every day. I wish that EVERYONE I meet could try this product, I know it would make a difference in their health, energy level and they way they see a new morning.


vitaoneVitaOne –www.BuyVitaOne.com

This is another health product that I take every day and never miss! I swear, I’m not a health nut, but after years of getting sick every other week from a nasty immune system, I was read to make a change.

VitaOne is the complete daily nutrition that your body needs — it gives you the stuff that you DON’T get every day in your diet. If I miss a day, I feel it — and I usually get sick. Besides the incredible energy it gives me,  I hardly ever get sick anymore. And coming from someone who would literally be sick every 14-20 days, this is a miracle!! 😀



Crave bottleCrave Energy Drink www.CraveDrink.com

If you’ve checked out my Photo/Video page, you’ve most likely seen the Crave promotional videos I was involved with. Wow. They are so cheesy.

I’m not sure if it was my first time drinking crave, or my second, or third — but I was hooked FAST! I bartended my way through college, and I don’t think I could have survived my 10pm – 5am shifts after a full day of school without Crave.

It beats coffee or redbull anyday! – -and Crave actually helps you burn fat.

9 calories, tastes great, 3-5 hour energy with no crash — so simple. You gotta try it out. In fact, email me and I’ll send you one. Rachel@RachelMazza.net


I’ve been using Avon products since I was old enough to wear jewelry and make-up. I LOVE their accessories and eye shadows and amazing products like their new Lotus Shield frizz fighter (Miami humidity in July anyone?), and now that their expanding into electronics, clothes and their trendy new line, Mark, I love them even more.

Avon also is a huge advocate for Women.  They really are changing lives with their  breast cancer campaigns and are helping women all over the world become stronger and more independant by giving them the opportunity and support to build a business from home.





David Bertrand