I am rarely bored.  Sure there are times when I get antsy and impatient, but it’s usually when I’m getting ready for my next adventure. The world is so full of things to learn and experience that one lifetime cam barely scratch the surface! Which is why I honestly believe that only boring people are bored all the time!

After graduating from Columbia and loving the city life in downtown Chicago, I was ready for a new adventure. I had plans to teach English in Bangkok for a year and was making preparations to leave when student loans and political turmoil in Thailand encouraged me to expand my list of opportunities. When my friend Mary Jo sent me a video of some people riding and elephant down a quiet suburban street in Myrtle Beach, SC — I knew I had to know how these people lived this incredible life! I googled — haha.  Life is definitely a series of adventures and right now I’ve embarked on an exciting new one! I’ve joined an exotic animal training apprenticeship program with a world-renowned conservation and training organization called T.I.G.E.R.S. I disembarked in port Miami from and incredible Caribbean cruise with my family — and — well, just didn’t go home! Haha. After living here for a few months, I’ve found that I’ve never worked harder in my life! I’ve certainly gotten in touch with my inner “Rosie the Riveter”; power-washing concrete slabs, hand-sawing huge tree branches, hauling debris and gravel — Haha, but it is definitely worth it to wake up every morning and howl with the wolf pups, or watch the tiger cubs roll around in the yard, and feed sweet potatoes to the monkeys.

Not only am I learning a lot about the animals and the conservation efforts here and around the world, but I’ve learned even more about people. Living in a house with 5 women here in Miami certainly has taught me new skills in patience and cooperation! We not only run the 15 acre preserve here outside of Miami but we also put on an incredible “Wild Encounters Show” at a theme park called Jungle Island.  I have been having a BLAST hosting the show, learning to play the tribal drums, and talking with the public about our liger, Hercules, and his friends.

I’ve been reading a great book called “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews.  It’s about a man named David who just can’t get ahead in life despite his best efforts! After a reckless driving accident, David finds himself falling into the worlds of some of the world’s greatest leaders at the most critical moments in their lives. These great men teach David 7 lessons on personal success and making your own happiness in life.  In one of the chapters, David learns that you really truly ARE the people that you spend the most time with. You share their habits, speech patterns, thoughats and dreams. If you spend time with those who complain you will quickly find yourself complaining more and more! On the contrary, if you surround yourself with people who actively strive to make the world and their own lives bigger and better you will find yourself moving to a brighter and more successful future.

One of my favorite quotes from the book is:

“If I associate with chickens, I will learn to scratch at the ground and squabble over crumbs. If I associate with eagles, I will learn to soar to great heights. I am an eagle. it is my destiny to fly!”

I’ve found this to be so true in my life again and again. Of course we all know how hard it is to let go of old relationships with people that may not push us onward and upward, but surrounding yourself with people who have something that you strive for, or know what you want to know is one of the most important things you can do to create the life that you want to live.