It’s amazing how smoothly life flows when you’re doing something that you KNOW you’re supposed to be doing. Not to say that it’s easy! But if you’re pursuing a path that is the right path for you, it’s incredible how natural it all feels.

Personally, since I’ve thrown myself into auditions and performances life has been moving. FAST! And I like it. I’ve been working hard and constantly filling my funnel with new opportunities.

After returning from Nashville for the first round of the Avon Voices competition. I’m excited for the voting to start on April 22nd! They flew us in and put us up at the breathtaking Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville and we spent the day running between hair & makeup, shooting interviews, and recording our music videos for the next round.

Check out this video from our time in Nashville.

Out of thousands of videos only 80 of us made it to Nashville, and only SEVEN of us performed live at the Gala Dinner event. What an incredible experience! One of the judges, Grammy award winning David Pack from Ambrosia was at the even and the seven of us even ended up singing a song with him onstage! I’ll try and find a video of the performance.

Since then I’ve been going to as many auditions and competitions as I can find.

My most recent adventure took place on a GORGEOUS rooftop in Chicago last night with the best fiance in the world, Jon. (note: Jon is not MY fiance. 😛 . Just an awesome fiance.) I met Jon through Craigslist after he posted an ad looking for a singer to help propose to his girlfriend. After about a week of email correspondence between Jon, his friend Nic (the guitarist), and myself, we arranged quite the sneaky surprise.

Jon had called in a few friends and we set a professional (and ultimately quite elaborate) photo-shoot on the rooftop of this funky and spunky artistic studio in Chicago for Nic and his “band” (i.e. – me ). After meeting Nic for the first time about 30 minutes before showtime, we headed up to the rooftop in a funky lift-elevator and ran through the songs a couple times.  When the cute couple arrived, Nic and I found that, despite both of our wide range of musical tastes, the only song we could come up with to pretend to be performing was “Simple Man” by Leonard Skynyrd. Which we proceeded to play repeatedly until they arrived. When we launched into Train’s “Marry Me”, Jon got down on one knee and proposed. I’m very proud of myself for not BURSTING into tears along with the lucky lady. It really was beautiful. After much crying and clapping on all of our parts, Nic and I played James Morrison’s “You Make It Real” for an fantastic slow-dance. Cutest. Thing. Ever! I’m so excited to be a part of such a fantastic proposal! And hopefully will be heading down south to sing for the wedding in June.

Between training at Second City, performing in multiple competitions, and singing rooftop proposals, I couldn’t be happier or more excited to see what comes next.

So if you’re going, going, going at the speed of Charlie Sheen and you feel like you’re repeatedly smashing yourself full force into a brick wall — try a different path. There may just be an open door slightly to the left that leads to a similar destination.